Hello, January.

I have dreams and high hopes for this little blog. I really do smile when I think of the possibilities. But I've been stopping myself from freely writing and speaking my mind. 

Strange, because my New Year's thoughts were very different. 

I wake up randomly in the middle of the night and plan and ramble on about what I want to write here and all these things that I want to do — but fear still stops me. I don't want fear to take hold again. I've chosen to step away from fear, but it does creep in every now and again.

I may be entrapped in comparing myself with others' successes, and yes, I know. Everyone says don't compare, you have your own journey, and it's true. But I'm just saying, some days are still a bit difficult. 

Nonetheless, it's a new day. January is almost over. Rather than saying I haven't done much with this space I've created for myself, I'm telling myself that I've continued to hope and plan and I am taking little steps to make this dream a reality. I'm writing today

I'm saying hello to January 2017 because I'm saying goodbye to the fear of writing. And goodbye to the expectations of what I should and shouldn't write. I'm writing for myself. 

So, here I am. After a lovely day at the beach and at home, feeling content and happy about the work that I get to do for couples and their families. There's still a lot on my to do list (3 weddings and an engagement session to shoot in the next week alone, plus all the previous weddings to edit!) - but I allowed myself to rest and get some sun.

It's 10:00pm as I write this, I might do a bit more work, but I might pick a book from the shelf and start reading, finally. I just ordered more books from Book Depository too - just because. It's a dangerous place, I tell you! I'd love to get back into reading. 

Anyway, here goes. This feels good. 

From our recent trip to New Plymouth. More on this, soon.

From our recent trip to New Plymouth. More on this, soon.
